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English translation for "resource module"


Related Translations:
graded module:  分次模
interlocking module:  联锁模件
interface module:  接口模件接口模块接口组件
single module:  单模块
efferent module:  传出模块
ignition module:  点火计算机点火控制器点火模块电子点火器慢车混合比调整螺丝
module neme:  模块名
jack module:  插座模块
apache module:  选项要运用阿帕契模组
application module:  应用模块
Example Sentences:
1.For example , to ensure that resource modules are included in the returned module list , call
2.Gets all the modules that are part of this assembly , specifying whether to include resource modules
3.Gets the files in the file table of an assembly manifest , specifying whether to include resource modules
4.Gets all the loaded modules that are part of this assembly , specifying whether to include resource modules
5.First of all , i relate to the professional human resources modules , i have sufficient theoretical knowledge as the cornerstone of my work
6.Objective : supervisors can clearly understand his own role through studying this training program , as well as how to work as a team together with human resource department , understand different human resource modules and performance management system for supervisors , etc
Similar Words:
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